Jine the Cavalry!
Application for membership in the SCV is based upon identification and establishment of your relationship to your Confederate ancestor. You will need his name, unit/state of service, and information as to his honorable service (killed/wounded/captured/discharged).  The more you know about your ancestor, the more likely you are to find his records and supporting information. You will very likely find the search is easier than you think, and will be a most rewarding and moving personal experience. 

Membership application is best accomplished through a local SCV Camp.  To assist you in this, a list of camps in Arkansas is provided. The Camps who have their own Homepage may be contacted through it, otherwise contact the Commander for helpful assistance. If there is not a Camp near you, contact the Arkansas Division Commander by E-mail or if you wish, contact the International SCV HQ for assistance.  Please call toll free 1-800-MY-DIXIE or  1-800-MY-SOUTH for recruiting assistance only.   An E-mail form is provided to request additional information. 

Copyright © 1998, Arkansas Division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, all rights reserved